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Cyber Security in Critical National Infrastructure Organisations: 2024

Cyber Security in Critical National Infrastructure Organisations: 2024

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Executive Summary

Learn about the top cyber threats, trends and challenges facing UK CNI organisations in 2024.

78% of UK CNI are concerned about AI-powered phishing attacks

Cloud storage attacks were ranked as the most significant cyber threat to the operations of UK CNI

74% of UK CNI are concerned about Chinese state-linked actors; 73% are concerned about Russia state-linked actors

98% of UK CNI Organisations Say They Have Security Challenges

After a year of intensified regional conflicts, headline-grabbing cyber-attacks, and the emergence of AI-driven threats, our research found that CNI organisations have high levels of concern about the future threat landscape. Despite reported improvements in CNI organisations’ security tooling, detection and response capabilities, and overall cyber maturity, many are still struggling with familiar threats and challenges.

In this whitepaper, we uncover the threats that UK CNI are most concerned about, where their capabilities are falling short, and where they will be investing in the future to address the future threat landscape.

Key Whitepaper Highlights

The Current Threat Landscape

Future Events and Threats

AI-driven Threats and Security Tools

The Regulatory Horizon

Internal Business Pressures

External Business Pressures

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