Submitted by: Daryl Haegley, Director, Mission Assurance & Cyber Deterrence at Dod

ICSJWG 2020 VIRTUAL SPRING MEETING June 9 - 10, 2020 We are very pleased to announce the 2020 Virtual Spring Meeting!. Meeting Registration is now open! We are very pleased to open registration for our Virtual Meeting, from June 9th to June 10th.Please register for the meeting no later than June 5, 2020. When at the registration site, users can see the entire agenda for each day, with abstracts of the presentations for each speaker. Note that registration is for the entire meeting, not just a single presentation (you do not have to register for each session you want to attend). There is no cost to attend this event. Overview We are excited about the offerings for the upcoming virtual meeting! The meeting will kick off on June 9th with an overview of the current CISA Mission by Director Christopher Krebs. The day will continue with an agenda filled with informative presentations. A Capture the Flag activity is available all-day June 9th and 10th.The CTF exposes analysts to hunting across ICS networks for malicious behavior, with puzzles appropriate for both the beginner and the experienced analyst. Challenges include artifacts generated from IT/OT host forensic data, network data (from both bro logs and pcap), and OT equipment actively being exploited by a threat actor. An Overview of CISA ICS Training will be provided on June 10th. The training series includes both a Foundational track and an Advanced track.The Foundational track provides basic ICS specific information including terms, types, architecture, cyber basics, Maturity Model review, data flow, network models, and more. The Advanced track includes assessment and evaluation processes and procedures, critical ICS risks and mitigations, analysis of captured ICS traffic to discover vulnerabilities, and more. The Technical Workshop will return on June 10th with both presentations and a demonstration. Presentation topics include the Open Source IR Toolkit, Low Level Forensics, OT/ICS Communication Protocols, Detecting Malicious Applications on Disk and in Memory (YARA and Volatility Introduction). The demonstration is on Improving Industrial Control System Security with Model-based Control Design and System Virtualization. Additional Information For additional information, please visit ourwebpage < or contact us at Respectfully, ICSJWG Program Office, < > Check out the documents below: